Online Prayer Requests @

“Pray without ceasing.” I Thessalonians 5:17, a site for anonymous online prayer requests, is a safe place for you to let others pray for your online prayer requests and for what is on your heart. It’s also a place where you can pray for others, too. If you have a heart for prayer or are needing prayer, please take a few minutes to read below. If you want to know more about what this site is about, please visit our ‘Who We Are’ page. If you don’t know how to pray and are looking for prayer resources, we offer a few here to help get you started on your prayer journey. We’re glad you’re here and don’t believe you’ve arrived here by accident. God has all things under His wings.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.

Gavyn Ramos

HI my name is Gavyn, I have heart failure, with a lower heart ejection fraction, also been having a hard time breathing, I have swollen nasals. Please pray for me, pray that our Lord would have mercy upon me and give me grace, and heal me. Please pray that our Lord would increase my heart ejection fraction to 50-60 percent. Please pray that our Lord would heal my breathing that I may breath normally again. I know and believe with all my heart our Lord Jesus Christ hears your prayers and may he by them have mercy upon me and heal me. Thank you all so very much!! May God bless you all abundantly!! 

Received: December 29, 2023

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“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds. “